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I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.
Mark Twain

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

mostly untrue news 9th edition

  • IN TODAY'S ENTERTAINMENT NEWS: WE WILL BE DISCUSSING SOCIETY AND IT'S HYPOCRITICAL VIEWS. According to news sources, Michael Jackson just signed the largest record deal in history, or rather his estate did; (we are assuming the estate did due to the fact that Michael Jackson might currently lack the skills to sign papers). This deal is for a $200 million guaranteed contract with Sony Music Entertainment for 10 projects over seven years, according to a person familiar with the deal. Since the King of Pop died in July, he has sold over 31 million albums. I personally think that it is fantastic that he's sold all of these records and has a new contract for projects, especially since America decided he was a child molester and menace to society. Not many people would have had anything to do with the pre-deceased Michael Jackson, he was a talentless freak with a penchant for little boys. However, post-deceased, Michael Jackson is a collectors item and we all love him again. God bless America.
  • IN TODAY'S MORE LIGHTHEARTED NEWS THAT STILL HAS TO DO WITH ENTERTAINMENT, I would like to bring attention to a song that graced my radio waves last night. The song is Does He Love You, sung by Reba Mcentire and Linda Davis. You may be asking yourselves "Is she going to attack Reba?" The short answer is yes. Yes, I know, Reba is one of my favorite singers too, However, in this duet with Linda Davis, both women have belt-it-out power house voices which unfortunately sound almost identical. The singers duel back and forth about why the man loves one instead of the other and vice versa. Having this argument with each other in identical voices just makes Reba sound like she is having a psychotic episode with herself. On the plus side, I find this to be terribly funny and so I really like this song. I think I will go at it alone on my next karaoke night!

  • IN TODAY'S UNBELIEVABLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM SECTION: According to Yahoo! news U.S. history textbooks could soon be "flavored heavily with Texas conservatism". What exactly are we talking about here? Here is a list of possible inclusions or rather, exclusions from American textbooks:
  1. A greater emphasis on “the conservative resurgence of the 1980s and 1990s.” This means not only increased favorable mentions of Schlafly, the founder of the antifeminist Eagle Forum, but also more discussion of the Moral Majority, the Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association and Newt Gingrich's Contract With America.
  2. A reduced scope for Latino history and culture.
  3. Changes in specific terminology. Terms that the board’s conservative majority felt were ideologically loaded are being retired. Hence, “imperialism” as a characterization of America’s modern rise to world power is giving way to “expansionism,” and “capitalism” is being dropped in economic material, in favor of the more positive expression “free market.” (The new recommendations stress the need for favorable depictions of America’s economic superiority across the board.) Boy, we Americans do love our euphemisms!
  4. A more positive portrayal of Cold War anticommunism.
  5. Language that qualifies the legacy of 1960s liberalism. Great Society programs such as Title IX—which provides for equal gender access to educational resources—and affirmative action, intended to remedy historic workplace discrimination against African-Americans, are said to have created adverse “unintended consequences” in the curriculum’s preferred language.
  6. Thomas Jefferson no longer included among writers influencing the nation’s intellectual origins. (Really).
  7. Excision of recent third-party presidential candidates Ralph Nader (from the left) and Ross Perot (from the centrist Reform Party).
  8. A recommendation to include country and western music among the nation’s important cultural movements. The popular black genre of hip-hop is being dropped from the same list.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think this just what America needs, why on earth did it take us this long to figure out that promoting anti-feminism, racial intolerance, and country music is the answer to this nation's problems? Now if they could just find a way to get rid of all those other pesky minorities, like gays, lesbians, Chinese, and fans of The Village People, this country really would be worth spending trillions of dollars to defend. By the way if you question anything you hear or read, you will automatically be shot.

  • AND FINALLY, IN TODAY'S WOMEN'S ISSUES: I CAN SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE GIRL IF I WANT TO. At approximately 3pm this afternoon, my dutiful, alert cats found a little grey mouse in the living room and decided to pass the time by torturing said mouse. I was advised to let nature take it's course and let the cats kill it and then dispose of it later. I spent most of the afternoon in my room pretending that the holocaust was not happening in my livingroom. By evening I decided it was ok to come out. The two cats ( two out of three of my main cats, Isabelle and Sam) had obviously lost interest, so I assumed it either hid or was under the couch, entertainment center or wardrobe decomposing. During my dinner (spaghetti), I heard a bit of chaos happening in my son's room. Alas, the mouse had not escaped, but was somehow let live long enough to be a plaything for my backup cat, Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell and George (George is a main cat), were playing who can let go of the mouse and then get it again. This time I really couldn't stand it so thinking quick, alert thoughts, I went to the kitchen and pulled about a hundred sheets of paper towels off the roll, wadded it up and went in to get the mouse. Tinkerbell was not amused at my antics which basically consisted of me chasing the cat who would occasionally drop the mouse to which I would screech "oh shit", while the main cat and backup cat fought for mouse domination. Eventually human intellect won over feline ingenuity and I got the little mouse, who seemed to be in good shape, considering his busy afternoon. Feeling good about saving one of God's creatures from an untimely demise, I opened the kitchen door and threw him out into the yard. Unfortunately my aim was a little off and instead of throwing him into a pile of soft grass, the little mouse smashed into a large rock. The moral to this story? When it's your time, it's your time. Sorry, unknown mouse, I hope your small life served some sort of purpose.
Well, that does it for today, go have a safe day and buckle up. (sometimes I like to give people practical advise. I feel I've done my part)

1 comment:

  1. I have argued this topic to death and everyone seems to have varying opinions. But it comes down to this. Thomas Jefferson is being punished for his founding belief that there be a clear separation of church and state. To remove him from the curriculum and no longer consider him a great American thinker is absolutely absurd. This is the man who solely wrote our declaration of independence. He was a great thinker and he was enlightened and his ideas deserve to be taught.
